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What is Biblical Board Governance?

Biblical Governance by Dr. Gary Hoag

What does the Bible say about Board Governance?  Interestingly, it says more than you might think about governance. Four councils appear in the biblical record. They offer insight for how to think about governance and how not to think about it. Two of them exhibit exemplary traits, while the other two present patterns to avoid.…

What you need to know about selection a CRM solution!

Choosing Your Next CRM Platform by Amy Sewell

Four Things to Consider When Choosing Your Next CRM Platform Selecting a new Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) platform is a critically important task and one that can have various levels of complexity. There is a large amount of information to be learned and implemented, and considerations should be given to how the platform impacts the…

The influence of the Baord

Board Influence By Kent Vanderwood

The Influence of the Board I am guessing that most of you either answer to a Board of some type, serve on a Board, or at minimum, work for an organization that has a Board. Those who sit “on” the Board may be called directors, members, trustees or governors. The bottom line is this –…

What does Christian really mean?

What Does Christian Really Mean? By Mark L Vincent

When an organization says it is “Christian,” it is quickly unclear whether it means: FOR Christians? BY Christians? FROM Christians? It gets further muddied by whether it is a B2B for other “Christian” entities, whether it is a ministry, service, or business, whether it primarily focuses on the Great Commission (evangelism) or the Great Commandment…

Why is it important for Christians to budget?

Why is budgeting important? By Greg Henson

Why is budgeting important for Christians?   If you want a snapshot of where you are in your walk with Christ, pull out your budget and walk through it with a spiritual director, your pastor, and a fellow Christian who is not part of your family together, at the same time, in the same room.…

Multi-channel marketing is like velcro!

It’s Like Velcro By David Wollen

It’s Like Velcro . . . Multi-Channel Strategies and Why They Matter Velcro is a simple concept. It’s nothing more than hundreds of little plastic hooks on one side and corresponding loops on the other. Get one hook through one loop and you’ll get a little lift. Connect enough of them and you can pick…

Characteristics of Great Leaders - FREE to LEAD.

Characteristics of Great Leaders By Scott Rodin

The Defining Characteristic of Great Leaders There is an age old discussion about whether great leaders are born great or made great. The former assumes that it is the intrinsic qualities of some people that make them great leaders. They cite charisma, confidence and character combined with the right IQ and EQ, accompanied by the…

Do you know how much your words matter?

Know Why Your Words Matter By Scott Brown

  As Christian leaders our words matter. As leaders, the words we use matter. They can promote unity or stoke division, encourage or discourage, build up or tear down. The Apostle Paul captured the importance of our words in this admonition to the Colossian church: Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most…

Leadership and Legacy

Leadership and Legacy By Alex McElroy

  Hamilton Provides A Lesson On Leadership And Legacy I recently had the opportunity to watch the brilliant theater production, “Hamilton”, and it  spoke profoundly of leadership and legacy. In awe of brilliant singing, rapping, acting and choreography, it would be easy to miss the brilliant nuggets of information that are peppered throughout the musical.…

Will you redefine what successful looks like for you in the future?

Redefining Successful By Rich Haynie

Will you contemplate and adjust to a new definition of successful? Some years ago as the president of our organization and I were boarding the aircraft, he posed this question: “Rich, how do we know when we are successful?”  In context, he was referring to the donor visits we were making on this particular trip. …


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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